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Startup is a perfect theme for showcasing your new app, company or project. With the help of GSAP and ScrollMagic, create unique scrolling experiences that will keep users engaged.
Note: This is a static HTML template
v1.0.5 (October 18th, 2018)
- Migrated to Materialize v1.0.0
- Added standalone sass files
v1.0.4 (November 14th, 2017)
- Fixed read more scrolling browser compatibility
- Fixed background layer z-index on Circle Reveal Intro
v1.0.3 (July 16th, 2017)
- Many responsiveness fixes across all the pages
- Added support for full height shuffle under transition
v1.0.2 (June 4th, 2017)
- Added standalone css version
v1.0.1 (May 24rd, 2017)
- Fixed responsiveness bug